The Bayard Rustin Coalition (BRC) came into being during 2006 to honor Bayard Rustin – the heart and soul of the United State’s Civil Rights Movement. After a year of collaboration we officially formed the Bayard Rustin Coalition in July 2007, with the permission of Bayard Rustin’s Estate. Bayard Rustin was: Martin Luther King Jr’s mentor, chief organizer, pioneer of the movement’s nonviolent resistance, and the man behind the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, during which Dr. King delivered his iconic “I have a Dream” speech.
In the bold yet loving spirit of Mr. Rustin, the Bayard Rustin Coalition embraces advocacy and education to effect positive social change. We honor a visionary ethos rooted in the Black and same gender loving experience.
The Bayard Rustin Coalition
is a registered 501(c)(3)
All donations are 100% tax deductible
Tax ID # 26-2879140